LIVE at 5PM ET - UAW Rally to save the American Dream


Eliminate Inflation. Building A Healthy Economy.

Because of Washington's out of control spending and the broken tax system, millions of American families find it difficult to pay for basic necessities. The real American Dream is about hard work and opportunity, but we must fix the broken tax system to give American workers the freedom to succeed.

Key Points


The biggest threat to the American dream is Washington's $37 trillion worth of debt and out of control spending!  Inflation has re-emerged as one of the greatest threats to our families, businesses and economy. Because of Washington's out of control spending and the broken tax system, millions of American families find it difficult to pay for basic necessities. The real American Dream is about hard work and opportunity, but we must fix the broken tax system to give American workers the freedom to succeed.  As the author of the Conservative Budget in the House of Representatives, I proved that if we eliminate wasteful spending and if we allow the American people the freedom to innovate, build and create their own opportunities, we can bring America back to solvency over time if we start now.  When government is held accountable to live within its means, the full potential of the American economy is unleashed, and families thrive.  We can preserve Social Security and Medicare for the next generation and still enact thoughtful reforms to our nation's entitlement structure to reduce our national debt and the threat it poses to our children and grandchildren.  It's time for Washington to get out of the way and allow American workers to get back to work!